Here’s your update for the week! By the way, I’ll be using linkbucks from now on. Please bear with me for this. Don’t worry though, because I made sure that the ads are for all ages so it’s safe to open even during work. No porn ads or anything like that. I’ll be putting the links on the navigation links only, mainly on links to previous chapters and the main page. all ‘Next Chapter’ links are safe from ads for your reading convenience, unless it’s a newly released chapter like the one below. Well, it’s not that much to click them to help me though.

Here you go! Konjiki no Wordmaster Chapter 221.

Edited: I’m keeping the navigation links at the bottom of the page ad-free. I’ll be making a separate set of  navigation links with ads at the top. This is for those who are having problems with linkbucks. If all else fails you can just navigate through the menu and ToC. This is to ensure the convenience of the readers.

By the way, is this novel good? I may or may not plan to translate this. Just your thoughts.

Ad-less link here